Sports are require to acquire skills of sharp co-ordination,agility, quick thinking and reflex reactions can be of enormousbenefit to someone vith asthma. The stamina that comes withphysical fitness is also an asset to anyone. The training done by a boxer, gymnast or ballet dancer developsthese, as well as flexibility, strength and concentration.Boxing may seem an odd choice of activity for an asthmatic.However, consider the boxer's loud expulsion of air whenthrowing a punch. This expulsion of air is made during anextreme effort, similar to that of a tennis player serving aball, or a footballer kicking the ball, an athlete leaving theblocks or a squash player making a shot. You will hear competitors in many sports make this often loudand obvious expulsion of air. It helps them relax immediatelyafter the point of maximum impact.The quick expulsion of air may not be exactly the same as theslower expulsion in the rythmic breathing pattern, but I believethat someone with asthma should choose a sport that involvesbreathing out at the time of maximum impact, or when intenseeffort is involved. However, sports that require longer andslower breathing out are even better.Which sports are more suitable?Football, basketball, cricket, gymnastics, netball, volleyballand ballet are suitable for asthmatics as they require short,quick bursts of effort. In contrast long distance running, where sustained effort isneeded over a considerable period, is an example of a sport thatstresses asthmatics and aggravates their condition. Likewise, scuba diving, skydiving and bungee jumping are notsports I would recommend to someone with asthma.No matter what sport is the final choice - be it table tennis,badminton, softball, horse riding or whatever . . . they allneed agility, concentration, flexibility and strength. Regular exercise will start you on the stairway to betterhealth, and will help your body reach its full potential andkeep it there. Exercise should be dynamic, varied, accessibleand without adverse side effects and don't forget theail-important factor of choosing one you really enjoy. If youdisregard this you won't keep the sport upWhatever the activity, always keep your limitations in mind andconscientiously follow the breathing and relaxation techniquesthat you know.Even though you may roughly know what are those suitable sportsthat are for asthmatics, but all these information will be of nouse if no action is being taken. Having the knowledge is not power, applying the knowledge istrue power to free yourself the agony of having asthma again.You should never add to, or alter any component of your currentasthma treatment without first consulting your physician. However, many asthmatics that I know sometimes tend to takeplaying a sport for granted and they should be be conscious andaware that in order to have an asthma-free lifestyle, a properand yet effective asthma recovery system is necessary. Evenwithout a proper asthma management system, there will not bemuch asthma free lifestyle to hope for.Applying the knowledge of what type of suitable are forasthmatics together with an effective asthma management systemeven your little one can use to enjoy asthma-free life onceagain.
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